MTN is committed to high ethical, moral, and legal standards, including
accountability, transparency, fairness, responsibility, and integrity. We
avoid the negative effect of fraud in relation to revenue and profits,
retention of customers, MTN’s reputation, and operational efficiency of
the business, and we create a zero-tolerance fraud culture and
environment within MTN by identifying potential fraud risks and
effectively responding to reported fraud incidents.
Encourage employees and associated parties to speak up and report
conduct that they, in good faith, believe violates laws, regulations,
or internal policies, processes and procedures.
Encourage employees and associated parties to raise serious concerns
at the earliest opportunity and question and act upon concerns about
unethical work practices. Ensure employees and associated parties
understand their responsibility for reporting concerns.
Provide a secure platform where employees and associated third
parties may anonymously report concerns.
Forbids retaliation against and victimisation of whistle-blowers.
MTN’s approach
The following globally defined standards guide MTN:
- King IV Code of Corporate Governance
United Nations Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Universal Standards
– GRI 205: Anti- corruption.
MTN’s approach to fraud
Our expectations and requirements for the prohibition, recognition,
reporting and investigation of suspected fraud, corruption,
misappropriation, and other similar irregularities are clearly defined.
Employees are encouraged and required to raise their concerns and report
wrongdoing within the workplace. The whistle-blowing facility provides a
safe facility for employees and other stakeholders to report fraud,
misconduct, illegal activities, or other irregularities. It is operated
independently by an outsourced service provider accredited by the Ethics
Institute and is governed by the MTN Group Whistle-blowing Policy. The
MTN Group Whistle-blowing Policy forbids retaliation against and
victimisation of whistle- blowers.
In all reasonable circumstances, we expect each employee to assist and
co-operate in all investigative processes and other procedures to
prevent, detect, and eradicate fraud. We further view it as the
responsibility of all employees to carry out their work in such a way as
to prevent fraud from occurring in the workplace. Employees must also be
alert for occurrences of fraud, be aware that unusual transactions or
behaviours could be indications of fraud and report potential incidences
of fraud. We expect our employees to always be guided by our Conduct
Passport to remain ethical.
MTN’s key fraud principles
- All employees are obliged to act in the best interests of MTN.
There are internal controls and mechanisms in place to address fraud
and other acts of wrongdoing perpetrated by any employee, suppliers,
vendors, contractors, consultants and agents acting on behalf of MTN.
Maladministration, corruption, fraud, theft, cybercrime, money
laundering, financing of terrorism or other dishonest activities of
similar nature are not tolerated.
We do not tolerate any dishonest, fraudulent, or corrupt act; theft
of funds, supplies, or other assets; maladministration or financial
misconduct in handling or reporting of money, financial transactions,
or other assets; making a profit from insider knowledge; disclosing
confidential or proprietary information to outside parties.
We do not permit the unauthorised accepting, requesting, offering, or
giving of anything of material value to or from contractors,
suppliers or other persons providing services/goods to the
Irregular destruction, removal or abuse of records, furniture and
equipment is unacceptable.
Blackmail or extortion; money laundering and terrorist financing;
criminal activities carried out using computers or the internet
specifically targeted at MTN (cybercrime); any similar or related
irregularity; and deliberately omitting or refusing to report or act
upon reports of any such irregular or dishonest conduct are not
We strive to protect whistle-blowers against retaliation and
Roles and responsibilities
Our Board, through the Group Audit Committee, oversees the Group’s
actions and performance regarding fraud.
The Group's Executive Committee is responsible for policy
implementation and identifying, addressing, and remedying fraud
risks, driven by the Group Internal Audit and Forensic Function, in
line with the MTN’s policy.
Applicability and transparent reporting
Our fraud policy applies to all our directors, officers, employees,
and representatives of the Company, whether permanent, temporary or
on contract.
We expect our intermediaries, agents, contractors, suppliers, and
business partners to uphold the same standards.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the minimum standards,
including fraud, that each supplier of products or services must
comply with.
We are committed to transparency and disclosure regarding fraud at
Communication and training
MTN’s Fraud Policy is shared with all employees of MTN’s operating
entities, subsidiaries and partners. The policy is translated into
local languages as required. Detailed training is provided to
employees and partners on an annual basis.